French for high school...there is help

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2020

Over the years, I have been asked more than I could probably count which books, which app, which language programmes people should buy for their children in order to see them progress faster and go further.

Well, there is of course nothing wrong with any of these, I just find it can be counterproductive to keep adding material that actually make the student feels more overwhelmed that helped.

To learn a language, really learn a language, they need one good grammar book that allows them to do drills on each new point, a great teacher that inspires them, self motivation to find a investigate a few things by themselves, like watching French movies... and a lot of enthusiasm !

All these apps, books and methods don't allow them to really take charge of their learning or practise their skills, which is really the only way to improve.  

I know it can be scary and sometimes students and parents feel the more prepared we are, the better we will cope, which is true to a certain point and perfect to learn the basics but when it comes to speaking another language, practise, practise and more practise will make the biggest difference and see the fastest progress.

All these apps that take you to next level every session are kind of lying to you I'm afraid. A bit like learning to drive. The theory is easy, the basic manoeuvres are easy but going into traffic requires a whole new level of skills and focus. Speaking, just like driving, becomes a little easier and more natural the more we do it. Just like driving, a language does take a long time and effort to get right.

ooohh..and mistakes, big or small are part of the learning by the way.

It takes a lot of going back to the same point over and over again until we get it right, it takes a few goes to digest a new tense, it takes a lot of practise to make sense of a few rules.

That's why in the French Hack content, there is no order of things, students can go back to whatever it is they need as often as they need so they can take the info and go practise whatever new skill that have acquired. High school students will even find a VCE and IB pit stop.


Reach out if you want to know more about what The French Hack can do to help hig school students blitz year 11 and 12 French.



ps..the Hack on Tap membership has been created just for year 11 and 12 students doing French in IB or VCE. It offers up to 4h of French tutoring per week! Check it out.  




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